Mundubbera Buy Swap and Sell

Local page for all the info on what's happening, businesses around things for sale and garage sales!!!

1. First in best dressed! Please write SOLD under photo in comments

2. The page takes no responsibility for lost items in post.

3. Please ONLY make offers when the seller has put ONO (Or Nearest Offer). When offers are welcomed, please only make REASONABLE offers.

4. Serious buyers ONLY, if you are not going to follow through on a sale then don't put SOLD.

5. PLEASE DON'T POST TO THE WALL UNLESS you have a pic of the item...

6. THERE IS A LIMIT OF 7 FAN PICS AT ANY ONE TIME for either buying or selling! Once item is sold/bought and picked up, delete the pic and post a new one. If you list more than 7 pictures, admin reserves the right to delete any excess pics.
Add a collage if there are a lot of items.

(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*)
:::Rules for Sellers:::
(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸)

1. If you wish to sell on this page then you are welcome to add photos of items to sell to the wall. The photos will be placed in fan pics by facebook.

2. You MUST post a pic! Use safari to upload photo album or do a collage

3.Please tag your photos and check them as often as possible this will make for better selling, so that you can find your pictures easier (go to your profile, into your pics and you can just click straight onto them there, rather than scrolling down our wall).
Please also include the information below on each photo:
Sellers Name:
Location for pickup:
Price: (and if you are open to offers, write ONO)
Postage Price: (if you are willing to post, if not, write PICK UP ONLY)

4.Once your item has been sold and picked up PLEEEEAAASSSEEE remove it

5.If you can't post pics (mobile users), please post a comment under the For Sale or Wanted links that we provide on a weekly basis.

6.Please make sure your items are good condition and list any faults - please only sell what you would buy and make sure the price is reasonable! Put ONO if you are keen for other offers.

7. If you are listing an item again (re-listing etc), make sure that you delete the old picture so that we don't get double ups, triple ups etc etc etc! BUMPING DOESN'T WORK ON PAGES, ONLY GROUPS, THIS IS A PAGE.

8.Be NICE...

A place for buying, selling, swapping & giving away in and around Mundubbera no spamming wall and no silly shoe adds thanks :)

Local business